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Below you will find resources for your copy of Human Hacking: Win Friends, Influence People and Leave Them Better Off For Having Met You.

This book represents over a decade and a half of my work as a professional social engineer.  All the lessons I learned and skills I had to employ that I found where really useful when it came to every day interactions.  Now I am sharing those lessons with you.

Each chapter has some extra resources, links and downloads that may help you get more from the book.  Also, each section has a place for you to tell me how you did on the exercises in the book.  Enjoy and thank you for letting me be a part of your journey.

Chris Hadnagy

The Introduction

The Introduction of the book opens with an heart pounding story designed to set the tone for the rest of the book.  What can you learn from a hacker of humans about being a better communicator?

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.



Chapter 1

Know Yourself, So You Can Know Others

One of the most profound lessons I have learned as a human hacker was how understanding myself enhanced my ability to communicate. This chapter delves deep into a tool anyone can learn to use fast and how it give you superpowers.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.



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Chapter 2

Become The Person You Need To Be

Hacking Humans involves three P’s – pretexting, pretexting and pretexting. This chapter is all about how you can master this skill.  Some special tools are included below to help you remember the key points and put them into practice quickly.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.



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Chapter 3

Nail The Approach

Often times conversations take a very selfish format, focusing on what “I” want from this interaction.  How can one change in the way you build rapport make a huge difference? This chapter will help you master 10 techniques developed by an FBI Agent and then perfected and honed in my human hacking engagements.  Now you can use these same principles.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.



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Chapter 4

Make Them Want To Help You

Robert Cialdini is known as the master of Influence. His life’s work is centered on understanding it and putting science behind these amazing principles. Bob, as Dr. Cialdini likes to be called, has helped us understand why these principles can change anyone’s life and ability to communicate better.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.


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Chapter 5

Make Them Want to Tell You

Many reviewers of this book have claimed that chapter 5 is the books best chapter. The topic of elicitation has been rarely written about or covered, but in this chapter I break down all the rules, principles and parts of elicitation that will get you to get anyone to tell you literally anything.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.


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Chapter 6

Stop Deviousness In It’s Tracks

As a professional hacker of humans it is important to make sure I follow one key mantra – “Leave them feeling better for having met me”.  Because of that i need to understand and have the ability to spot manipulation, and devious tactics.  This chapter helps you ensure you will not fall into its traps.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.


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Chapter 7

Let Your Body Do The Talking

My work with world renowned experts, Dr. Paul Ekman and Joe Navarro, have led me down an interesting path of trying to understand what emotions our faces and bodies tell people. Decades of research by some of the world’s greatest minds helps all of us to become experts in communication – IF you apply it.  This chapter is a foundation starter for anyone interested in this area of science and human hacking.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.



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Chapter 8

Polish Your Presentation

Now you are armed with some of the biggest hacking skills on earth, skills that have been used by conmen, social engineers and human hackers of all sorts, now what?  It is important to know what the 5 big potential failures are in using these skills and how to avoid them. As well as some last tips and tricks to perfect your craft.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.


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Chapter 9

Putting It All Together

Learning how to apply all this knowledge can be hard, but this chapter helps you do just that.  Outlining a step by step process on how to put it all together.  Additionally, in the downloads below is a special treat, an actual worksheet to help you plan your engagements.

Below are some of the links and downloads you will find in the very introduction to help enhance your experience reading the book.


The book references the DISC cheat sheets in the appendix, I thought it would be nice if you had full color copies you can print and use.



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